The Revival Center
The Revival Center is a place where the saints can be Revived, Renewed, & Restored. It is a place where the lost can become found. It is especially for those whose schedule does not permit them to make it to a Sunday morning service. The Revival Center will assist in reigniting the fire of God for those who have lost their zeal for the things of God. Our Goal is to reach this millennial generation by any means necessary, and to gather the saints that have stayed home from church due to the pandemic. It’s time to get back into the house of God!
OUR VISION - is to Revive the souls that have lost their passion, to Renew their relationships with Jesus Christ, and to Restore the joy of their salvation. We seek to save the lost at any cost. We are confident that with the help of the Holy Spirit that we will see the manifestation of His Glory in our services.
OUR MISSION - is to reach and serve the community by meeting their needs, through a food pantry and clothes closet. We will also provide turkeys during Thanksgiving holiday, hams for the Christmas holiday, & backpacks for back to school give away.